Events Compost Services
Near-Zero-Waste Event Planning and Implementation
Festivals and Events are a fun time for the whole community, but they can also produce a tremendous amount of waste. There is a better alternative: Near-Zero-Waste Events!
What is a Near-Zero Waste Event?
Compost Crusader, LLC can help provide insights/consulting services for managing the waste produced while hosting festivals and events. While fun, these events can produce a lot of waste. We will help your community group or organization successfully plan and execute a low or zero waste event. Whether it is a block party, wedding, or fundraising event, we are here to work with any indoor or outdoor venue in planning and implementing your recycling efforts. It doesn’t if this is your first time including diversion goals into your event or if you are a pro. Compost Crusader can create a customized plan that works best for you and your budget.
Before the Event
Before the event we will set waste diversion goals and logistically plan and implement a waste diversion plan that will help to minimize landfill waste. We will outline the placement of receptacles while also training staff and providing assistance.
During the Event
During the event we will help with replacing full bags/receptacles, while also assisting the public in their disposal of waste.
After the Event
We will provide collection and disposal of all organic waste and assist in event cleanup.
Included in the Service
Planning and Coordination
Training for Volunteers, Vendors & Staff
Recepticles & Bags for Organics Collection
Unique Marketing & Promotion
Signage for Recycling, Composting & Landfill
Compostable Food-Ware
Collection & Disposal of Organics
Weight Recording for Organics
What our customers are saying
"Composting is an important tool we use to educate all of our event guests. From birthday parties to Boy Scout & Girl Scout overnights, each group learns about what we do with their food/meal waste."
Jackie Keltner
Naturalist, Schlitz Audubon Nature Center