Purchase Finished Compost
Finished compost provides rich nutrients to make your soil more fertile helping you grow healthier plants and vegetables.
Use – Reuse – Use – Reuse, the cycle never ends!
Compost Crusader Login
Congrats for diverting your food scraps and yard material from the landfill as an existing Compost Crusader customer. Order here to receive your awesome discounts!
Retail Compost Shop
If you do not currently have a Compost Crusader account for curbside composting but want to order some of that black gold that food scraps and yard material help create…
PS Customers get awesome discounts… you should consider signing up for curbside service!
Purchase Finished Compost
Compost Crusader is PROUD to offer Blue Ribbon Organics high quality, organic compost! Compost is available in multiple forms:
5 gallon bucket or you can bring your own container to fill
35 LB Bags / 1 Square Foot compost in plastic bags
25 LB Bags / 1 Square Foot compost in compostable bags
Members of our curbside compost service receive a discount so please order through your customer portal to see your special offers…