Until further notice we can NOT accept any type of compostable product.
No compostable bags, coffee cups, or to-go items will be accepted.
What Can/Cannot Be Composted
To keep costs low, we need your participation in providing us with only the items we can turn into compost. All other materials cause issues on machinery, employees, and quality of finished product which is used in community gardens, home gardens and food production farms.
Heck, Yeah!
Give Us Those Scraps!
Raw or Cooked Fruits and Veggies
Cooked Meat
Breads or Baked Goods
Grains (rice, cereal etc)
Legume Shells (peanuts, pistachios, etc)
Clam Shells etc
All Animal and Fish Bones
Herbivore Manure and Bedding (rabbits, gerbils etc)
Brown Paper Grocery and Landscaping Bags
Yard or Plant Debris (including backyard weeds)
Non Glossy Paper like Newspaper (includes shredded paper)
All paper napkins (no matter the bleaching or writing on them)
All paper towels (just no blood, bodily fluids, cleaning solution, or disinfectant)
Pizza Boxes (unless they are glossy)
Cardboard (only in small quantities free of staples, tape, and gloss)
Soil/Dirt (so long as it does not make your cart weigh more than 100lbs)
No Way!
Raw Meat
Non Herbivore Manure & Bedding (reptiles, dogs, cats, birds, etc.)
Glossy Paper/Cardboard
Branches Larger than 5" Diameter
"Biodegradable" Products (still contain petroleum and harm finished compost)
Plastic Grocery Bags or Packaging
Used Cooking Oil/Grease
Treated or Painted Wood
Medical Waste
Unfortunately, compostable bags (see note above and below)
Waxy Paper Products (e.g. cupcake/muffin wrappers/parchment paper)
Vacuum Dust
Wine bottle corks
Cloth materials
BPI Certified Compostable Products
We currently do not accept compostable products of ANY kind.