School Compost Services
In addition to the benefits of reducing school waste, composting provides great educational opportunities for students at any grade level.
Compost Crusader is dedicated to schools to help reduce food waste and help kids
learn about the role they play. In addition to offering our compost collection program we also offer compost fundraisers to help complete the cycle and offset the costs associated with the compost collection program. It’s all part of the cycle!
Compost Collection Program at Your School
Is your school interested in working with us?
Fill out our School Compost Program Interest Form, call us at 262-394-6075 or contact our Education Specialist at education@compostcrusader.com
To get a sense of what cafeteria composting and source separation can look like in your school,
check out our five-minute video below.
Compost Fundraiser
This fundraiser truly makes a difference and can help off-set the cost of your, current or future, compost collection program with Compost Crusader.
To learn more about the fundraiser program and options CLICK HERE.
First step, fill out our Compost Fundraiser Interest Form.
Shortly after we receive your form our fundraiser support person will be in touch to go through your options and get you started.
We have developed a comprehensive guide to help start your program. Explore our Cafeteria Program Guide here!
Why Your School Should Compost
Create Eco-Leaders through Education
Implementation is a great opportunity to learn! We can educate your students about the benefits and methods of composting and proper source separation.
Reduce Landfill
More than 50% of our customers (ranging across various industries) surveyed report that their compost program reduced landfill pick ups or landfill receptacle size.
Help the Environment and Our Community
We can help redefine what you think of as waste in your school, while improving the environment and giving back to the community.
Promote Sustainability
Students are the future, so why not promote sustainability through a simple, satisfying activity like composting? Starting young is the best way to ensure good composting habits for a sustainable future!
How it Works
Get Your Compostable Bags and Recepticles
Once preliminary waste audits are complete, the next step will be to get compostable paper bags and proper receptacles. You will also need signs to guide students, which are available below!
Throw Your Organic Material into Compostable Bags
Identify the receptacles that are used for organic material and replace the plastic trash bags with compostable paper bags. When students clear away leftover food scraps or organic materials in the cafeteria, they will simply throw them in the compostable bags. Food scraps from the kitchen can be added, too!
Put Your Full Compost Bags in the Compost Crusader Bins
Be mindful when filling compostable bags and bins. If the organic waste is contaminated with non-compostable materials (like plastic straws or wrappers), it can't be composted. Once the bag is full, place it outside in a Compost Crusader receptacle for a scheduled pickup.
School Composting PDF Template Downloads
Download these free signs below for your school!
Compost at School
Included in the Service
Current Waste Audit
Guidance and Support
Scheduled Pick-Ups
Weight Recordings for Organics
Unique Marketing & Promotion
McKinley Elementary in Wauwatosa Earns Recognition from the Department of Natural Resources
After working with Compost Crusader to compost more than 10,000 pounds of food waste over the course of the school year, McKinley Elementary in Wauwatosa was recognized by the Department of Natural Resources for all of their hard work.
McKinley's dedication to sustainability was featured on the local news. Check it out!
Green and Healthy Schools
Your school can be recognized for sustainability initiatives, too! Green & Healthy Schools Wisconsin provides recognition for PK-12th grade public and private schools that strive to reduce environmental impact and costs, improve health and wellness, and increase environmental and sustainability literacy through a self-paced, voluntary, web-based application.